December 18,19, and 20
It's absolutely beautiful out at Midian right now; like something from another world that you have only ever dreamed about, but never thought that you would actually see. Unfortunately that world is the ice planet Hoth from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back rather than some tropical hidden world from a Tarzan book but, hey, what can you do? The pipes are frozen, burst, or shattered, although thankfully only those above ground so patching them up temporarily hasn't been a very big deal. Also the incredible cold (as low as 4 degrees) has caused the efficiency of the ranch's battery bank to decrease dramatically by about 10%. Nothing to get alarmed about but disconcerting nonetheless.
Steve, Blackfish, and I did some serious drinking on Saturday night (Donna passed out). It was kind of like a desert version of drinking scene from Jaws with Steve as Roy Scheider, Blackfish as Robert Shaw, and me (sadly) as a kind of hippy survivalist version of Richard Dreyfuss. It was a lot of fun, although by the end of it I had begun to chew upon my own foot in true Jason style. Of course it's better to eat your own foot than have a giant shark do it like in Jaws, but sharks are in short supply out on the playa anyhow.
The outbuilding behind the ranch house is starting to look at lot less like a trailer and a lot more like a building. I figure by the summer of 2005 it should look genuinely pretty nice. I'm considering fencing in the area between it and the ranch house to create a sort of shaded garden for Tina with trees, plants, and stuff. The "pantry" Tina and I have been building is getting close to done and should hold a good amount of food. Next step: propane refrigerator
Steve, Blackfish, and I did some serious drinking on Saturday night (Donna passed out). It was kind of like a desert version of drinking scene from Jaws with Steve as Roy Scheider, Blackfish as Robert Shaw, and me (sadly) as a kind of hippy survivalist version of Richard Dreyfuss. It was a lot of fun, although by the end of it I had begun to chew upon my own foot in true Jason style. Of course it's better to eat your own foot than have a giant shark do it like in Jaws, but sharks are in short supply out on the playa anyhow.
The outbuilding behind the ranch house is starting to look at lot less like a trailer and a lot more like a building. I figure by the summer of 2005 it should look genuinely pretty nice. I'm considering fencing in the area between it and the ranch house to create a sort of shaded garden for Tina with trees, plants, and stuff. The "pantry" Tina and I have been building is getting close to done and should hold a good amount of food. Next step: propane refrigerator