Goodbye Calfornia!
Well, we’ve finally moved. In all fairness, Tina moved out to Midian about two weeks ago while I remained in Richmond to finish work on the house. It required an astounding amount of careful work to get the place ready for the market. I believe that I was averaging about 12 hours a day of painting, cleaning, repairing, and so forth for the last couple of weeks. I’m almost brain dead with exhaustion at the moment…. but not so brain dead that I’d fail to promote the sale of my house! If you’re looking to buy a decent two bedroom, two bath home only 15 minutes from San Francisco (5 from Berkeley), contact my real estate agent Jasmine Dominguez at You can also link to a description & pictures of the house here. Complete (and extraordinarily positive) pest and home inspection reports are available upon request.
Tina and I have finally accomplished what we’ve spent the better part of the last six years working toward. We’re here, living in relative comfort with the kernel of a new business in place. The ranch is (of course) nowhere near where I want it to be. That will take another two or so years of backbreaking work, not to mention some of that folding green stuff I seem to have less and less of. I imagine that I will be almost 40 before Midian Ranch really looks and feels exactly how I have envisioned it over the years. But, as that wisest of wise men Confucius once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Time to start marching.
Tina and I have finally accomplished what we’ve spent the better part of the last six years working toward. We’re here, living in relative comfort with the kernel of a new business in place. The ranch is (of course) nowhere near where I want it to be. That will take another two or so years of backbreaking work, not to mention some of that folding green stuff I seem to have less and less of. I imagine that I will be almost 40 before Midian Ranch really looks and feels exactly how I have envisioned it over the years. But, as that wisest of wise men Confucius once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Time to start marching.