July 17th, 18th, and 19th
A kilt, sandals, and a pair of heavy work gloves: that’s all I wore for the three days I spent alone out at Midian this week (Tina had to work back in SF). At temperatures of well over 100 degrees, zero humidity, and zero clouds in the sky it seemed like appropriate attire. In spite of the less-than-ideal conditions I managed to completely clean up and organize the warehouse from top to bottom – no mean feat considering that it was like an oven inside of that thing. It looking pretty good, though, with all of Hero Game’s books on pallets in neat rows along one side and the Walter’s family materials in pallets along the other. I also assembled and filled a row of shelving in back that I filled with our canned goods, medical supplies, and camping equipment.
The workshop was another matter. It was truly filthy and filled with all sorts of, well, crap. I have sorted the good from the bad in both buildings, though, with the good either getting boxed up or put out into the material’s yard and the bad going into our refuse pit. Next trip I will finish putting the final (for the moment) touches on that building so I can go back to painting our office.
The workshop was another matter. It was truly filthy and filled with all sorts of, well, crap. I have sorted the good from the bad in both buildings, though, with the good either getting boxed up or put out into the material’s yard and the bad going into our refuse pit. Next trip I will finish putting the final (for the moment) touches on that building so I can go back to painting our office.